Monthly Archives: September 2011

Can Garlic Help You to Stop Lyme Disease Brain Fog?

Do you struggle with recurring bouts of brain fog?
One of my clients, let’s call her June, has struggle for years with the inability to concentrate, memory recall problems, and barely being able to focus on more than one thing at a time. In search of answers, she discovered that garlic can help with detoxifying Lyme disease and Babesia toxins. Unfortunately, she had trouble eating garlic.

June found an innovative way to use garlic to get rid of her toxins and keep her job
She works with patients and doesn’t want to repel them with garlic breath. The garlic would also upset her stomach. Fortunately, she discovered another way to detoxify using garlic without having to worry about an upset stomach or garlic breath. Here is a short video on her garlic detoxification solution:
Use this garlic technique under the supervision of your healthcare provider
Some patients have found this technique extremely helpful in removing toxins. A few patients have felt a little more toxic after using this technique for the first time, so I highly recommend doing this technique with the supervision of your Lyme literate healthcare provider.

– Greg

Next step: Come to our evening lecture:  Getting Rid of Lyme Disease in Frederick, Maryland on Monday October 3rd at 6pm to learn more about other methods for eliminating Lyme disease brain fog.