Monthly Archives: May 2017

#8 Challenge to Healing Lyme Disease: Secondary Infections

One issue came up over and over again as I looked through
the over thousand responses to my question,
“What are the biggest challenges to healing Lyme disease?”
The #8 challenge from their responses is secondary infections
like C. Diff, Candida, drug resistant Staph / MARCONs. Many
of these people reported an increase in these infections after
receiving antibiotic treatment.
I’ll be sharing TREATMENTS and REMEDIES for overcoming
this and many other challenges to healing Lyme on my Chronic
Lyme Summit 2 interview.
The Summit will be broadcast online next month for Free from

June 19th – June 26th.

Peace and healing,


Sign up to hear the Chronic Lyme Summit 2 on June 19-26 for Free!

A few weeks ago, over a thousand people shared their biggest
challenges to healing Lyme disease to help me prepare for my

interview on the Chronic Lyme Summit 2!

It has taken me a few weeks to analyze the survey results since

many went into great detail… (awesome!)


I promised to share the Top Five Challenges that were submitted

and the TREATMENTS and REMEDIES for these specific

challenges on my Chronic Lyme Summit 2 interview.

The Summit will be broadcast online next month for FREE from

June 19th – June 26th.

So If you’d like to get notified of the schedule for when you
can hear the 35 Lyme disease speakers, sign up here: