Five Strategies for Reducing Brain Overwhelm Due to Lyme Disease

screen bugs

For people with Lyme disease or co-infections that feel overwhelmed by light, sound, emotions, or social interactions
by Greg Lee

During summers in my childhood, I was often bothered by all sorts of flying insects that would try to buzz, bite or sting me. Fortunately, we had wire screens on our windows which kept the bugs out. When I was about four years old, I discovered that my scissors were sharp enough to easily cut several holes in the screen. Soon afterwards, insects started flying into my room and bothering me. When I complained to my mom, she found the holes and scolded me about cutting the window screen.

How are holes in a wire screen like a person with Lyme disease that is easily overwhelmed by light, sound, or social gatherings?

Similar to a cut window screen that lets bugs in, your brain stem can get inflamed which can let in too much sensory information
An important filter for the brain which is located at the base of the skull is called the pons. It acts like a screen which receives important stimuli from your eyes, ears, nose, skin, and mouth into your brain and filters out unimportant input. Unfortunately, toxins from Lyme disease, co-infections, or mold can create inflammation in the brain stem. Also, the web of capillaries in the lower part of the head can circulate toxins from infections in the mouth and the sinuses right into the brain and brain stem which can also inflame the pons. Inflammation in the pons and other parts of the brain stem can lead to too much sensory input overwhelming your brain.

Too much simultaneous sensory input into the brain can leave a person feeling overwhelmed
Many people with Lyme disease, co-infections, and/or mold exposure can feel overwhelmed by too much light, loud sounds, or social interactions. These stimuli can feel like a shock going through their brain or entire body. They may try to protect themselves by wearing dark shades, putting in ear plugs, or withdrawing from social events. Prolonged exposure to too much light, sound, or social interaction can leave these people feeling exhausted, irritable, or like a zombie. Fortunately, there are treatments and remedies that can help to eliminate feelings of overwhelm by reducing inflammation in the brain stem.

Anti-inflammatory treatments and remedies can help to reduce feelings of overwhelm
In patients struggling with feeling overwhelmed, inflammation in the brain stem has been detected by electrodermal scanning techniques. As these people undergo treatment and take remedies for reducing inflammation specifically in the brain stem, they report being able to withstand light, sounds, and social interactions with less feelings of overwhelm. Here are five treatments and remedies for reducing underlying brain stem inflammation which can lead to feelings of overwhelm.

Strategy #1 Anti-inflammatory Frequency Specific Microcurrent
Frequency Specific Microcurrent uses very low power electrical currents to reduce inflammation and toxicity1. Patients report significant relief in feeling overwhelmed by sensory input when anti-inflammatory and antitoxin frequencies are combined with frequencies for the clearing the brain stem, mouth, sinuses, and capillaries in the blood brain barrier. In addition to frequencies, cold laser delivered remedies can also help to reduce feeling overwhelmed.

Strategy #2 Cold Laser Delivered Remedies2
Shining a 505 nm cold laser though homeopathic remedies onto the base of the skull have reduced headaches and feelings of pressure quickly in several patients. The homeopathic remedies that have had a noticeable effect on lowering pressure in the head include: Bartonella, Babesia, oxytocin, and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) from, and colloidal silver from Argentyn. Follow up electrodermal scans have measured reduced inflammatory compounds in the brain stem. Herbs and supplements can also help to reduce inflammation.

Strategy #3 Liposomal anti-inflammatory herbs and supplements
In order to increase how anti-inflammatory remedies can penetrate into the brain stem, we use ultrasound to make very minute particles of herbs or supplements and then mix them with a lipid or a fat which creates a particle called a liposome3. Liposomal  herbs and their compounds that help to reduce inflammation in the nervous system include: curcuminoid compounds in turmeric4, Bacopa monnieri5, oxymatrine6 and matrine7 compounds in Sophora flavescens, ruscogenin compound in Ophiopogon japonicus8, Acanthopanax senticosus9, hirsutine a compound found in Uncaria rhynchophylla10, and salvianolic acid which is found in salvia root11.

Turmeric is contraindicated in pregnancy and cautioned with weak patients that do not have hypercoagulation12. Sophora is contraindicated in patients with coldness in their stomach13. Ophiopogon is contraindicated in people with cough caused by mucus accumulation, patients with diarrhea and coldness in their stomach. This herb can cause drowsiness so it is cautioned while driving or operating machinery14. Acanthropanax senticosus can increase serum levels of digoxin, can increase the effects of serum barbituates by inhibiting their metabolic breakdown, can stimulate the production of adrenaline, and can increase the efficacy of antibiotics15. Patients with bleeding disorders including hypermenorrhea, hemoptysis, or hematuria should use salvia root with caution16. Liposomal glutathione is also effective at protecting the nervous system17. In addition to liposomal herbs, essential oils can help reduce inflammation in the nervous system.

Strategy #4 Essential Oils and Coconut Oil Detoxification
Using an oral rinse of coconut oil and anti-inflammatory essential oils of frankincense18, furocoumarin free (FCF) bergamot19, and lavender20, helps to remove microbial toxins in the mouth and deliver anti-inflammatory essential oils into the nervous system. A 50:50 combination of coconut oil and essential oils can also be held under the tongue to increase delivery into the sinuses and the nervous system. Cupping also helps to pull out inflammation out of the head.

Strategy #5 Cupping and Bloodletting Draws Out Brain Inflammation
Cupping has been practiced for thousands of years in Asia and the Middle East. When suction cups are placed on the back of the head, they are said to draw toxins to the surface. When this is combined with acupuncture needling, a small quantity of blood is drawn out of the body into the cup. Upon analysis, the extracted blood has been found to be high in toxins21 and inflammatory compounds22. Many treatments and natural remedies can help you to eliminate feelings of overwhelm due to toxic inflammation.

Multiple treatments and remedies can help to reduce overwhelm from nervous system inflammation caused by Lyme and co-infections
Similar to fixing a cut window screen to keep out pesky flying insects, there are multiple treatments and remedies that can help your brain stem to reduce inflammation which helps it to filter out overwhelming sensory input. Electrodermal scans can help to detect changes in inflammatory compounds in the brain stem.

Patients report greater tolerance and ease with light, sound, or social interactions which would have overwhelmed them in the past after receiving anti-inflammatory treatments like Frequency Specific Microcurrent, cold laser delivered homeopathics, and cupping and bloodletting; and remedies like liposomal herbs, liposomal glutathione and essential oils. Since some of these herbs have contraindications and different treatment methods require specialized training, work with a Lyme literate Chinese medicine and essential oil practitioner to develop a safe and effective strategy for your condition.

– Greg

P.S. Do you have experiences where treatment or remedies that helped you to eliminate feelings of overwhelm due to Lyme disease or co-infections? Tell us about it.

>> Next step: Come to our evening lecture: Getting Rid of Lyme Disease in Frederick, Maryland on Monday March 10th at 6pm to learn more about treatments, essential oils, herbs, and homeopathic remedies for reducing brain overwhelm, adenovirus, brucellosis, bartonella, Babesia, Lyme disease, mold, parasites, abnormal fatigue, inflammation, and pain.

  1. Frequency Specific Microcurrent Advanced Summary Protocols.
  2. Cowden, L. Change the Terrain to Resolve Disease. 2012 Physician’s Round Table. January 28th, 2012. Tampa, FL.
  3. Alhariri M, Azghani A, Omri A. Liposomal antibiotics for the treatment of infectious diseases. Expert Opin Drug Deliv. 2013 Nov;10(11):1515-32. doi: 10.1517/17425247.2013.822860. Epub 2013 Jul 26.
  4. Funk JL., Frye JB, Davis-Gorman G, Spera AL, Bernas MJ, Witte MH, Weinand ME, Timmermann BN, McDonagh PF, Ritter L. Curcuminoids limit neutrophil-mediated reperfusion injury in experimental stroke by targeting the endothelium. Microcirculation. 2013 Aug;20(6):544-54. doi: 10.1111/micc.12054.
  5. Williams R., Münch G, Gyengesi E, Bennett L. Bacopamonnieri (L.) exerts anti-inflammatory effects on cells of the innate immune system in vitro. Food Funct. 2014 Feb 26;5(3):517-20. doi: 10.1039/c3fo60467e.
  6. Dong XQ., Du Q, Yu WH, Zhang ZY, Zhu Q, Che ZH, Chen F, Wang H, Chen J. Anti-inflammatory Effects of Oxymatrine Through Inhibition of Nuclear Factor-kappa B and Mitogen-activated Protein Kinase Activation in Lipopolysaccharide-induced BV2 Microglia Cells. Iran J Pharm Res. 2013 Winter;12(1):165-74.
  7. Zhang S., Kan QC, Xu Y, Zhang GX, Zhu L. Inhibitory effect of matrine on blood-brain barrier disruption for the treatment of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. Mediators Inflamm. 2013;2013:736085. doi: 10.1155/2013/736085. Epub 2013 Sep 8.
  8. Guan T., Liu Q, Qian Y, Yang H, Kong J, Kou J, Yu B. Ruscogenin reduces cerebral ischemic injury via NF-κB-mediated inflammatory pathway in the mouse model of experimental stroke. Eur J Pharmacol. 2013 Aug 15;714(1-3):303-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2013.07.036. Epub 2013 Jul 30.
  9. Jin ML., Park SY, Kim YH, Park G, Lee SJ. Acanthopanax senticosus exerts neuroprotective effects through HO-1 signaling in hippocampal and microglial cells. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2013 Mar;35(2):335-46. doi: 10.1016/j.etap.2013.01.004. Epub 2013 Jan 14.
  10. Jung HY., Nam KN, Woo BC, Kim KP, Kim SO, Lee EH. Hirsutine, an indole alkaloid of Uncaria rhynchophylla, inhibits inflammation-mediated neurotoxicity and microglial activation. Mol Med Rep. 2013 Jan;7(1):154-8. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2012.1135. Epub 2012 Oct 19.
  11. Chen T., Liu W, Chao X, Zhang L, Qu Y, Huo J, Fei Z. Salvianolic acid B attenuates brain damage and inflammation after traumatic brain injury in mice. Brain Res Bull. 2011 Feb 1;84(2):163-8. doi: 10.1016/j.brainresbull.2010.11.015. Epub 2010 Dec 4.
  12. Chen, John K., and Tina T. Chen. 2004. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry CA: Art of Medicine Press, Inc., p. 623.
  13. Chen, John K., and Tina T. Chen. 2004. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry CA: Art of Medicine Press, Inc., p. 151.
  14. Chen, John K., and Tina T. Chen. 2004. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry CA: Art of Medicine Press, Inc., pp. 944-945.
  15. Chen, John K., and Tina T. Chen. 2004. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry CA: Art of Medicine Press, Inc., pp. 865-866.
  16. Chen, John K., and Tina T. Chen. 2004. Chinese Medical Herbology and Pharmacology. City of Industry CA: Art of Medicine Press, Inc., p. 637.
  17. Zeevalk GD1, Bernard LP, Guilford FT. Liposomal-glutathione provides maintenance of intracellular glutathione and neuroprotection in mesencephalic neuronal cells. Neurochem Res. 2010 Oct;35(10):1575-87. doi: 10.1007/s11064-010-0217-0. Epub 2010 Jun 10.
  18. Siddiqui MZ. Boswellia serrata, a potential antiinflammatory agent: an overview. Indian J Pharm Sci. 2011 May;73(3):255-61. doi: 10.4103/0250-474X.93507.
  19. Graziano AC1, Cardile V, Crascì L, Caggia S, Dugo P, Bonina F, Panico A. Protective effects of an extract from Citrus bergamia against inflammatory injury in interferon-γ and histamine exposed human keratinocytes. Life Sci. 2012 Jun 27;90(25-26):968-74. doi: 10.1016/j.lfs.2012.04.043. Epub 2012 May 24.
  20. Hancianu M., Cioanca O, Mihasan M, Hritcu L. Neuroprotective effects of inhaled lavender oil on scopolamine-induced dementia via anti-oxidative activities in rats. Phytomedicine. 2013 Mar 15;20(5):446-52. doi: 10.1016/j.phymed.2012.12.005. Epub 2013 Jan 23.
  21. Schockert T. [Observations on cupping. High toxin concentration in blood from cupping]. MMW Fortschr Med. 2009 Jun 4;151(23):20.
  22. Zhang CQ, Liang TJ, Zhang W. Effects of drug cupping therapy on immune function in chronic asthmatic bronchitis patients during protracted period. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2006 Nov; 26(11) pp. 984-7.

Image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.

8 thoughts on “Five Strategies for Reducing Brain Overwhelm Due to Lyme Disease

    1. Greg Post author

      Excellent point. The treatments and remedies in the article are effective alternatives for reducing overwhelm as are treating Kryptopyrroluria (KPU) and methylation. KPU and methylation are complex topics that could fill an entire training. In our patients, we check for KPU and genetic issues with methylation. We have found that B vitamins, methyltetrahydrofolate, and other supplements are extremely helpful for improving KPU, methylation detoxification, reducing brain inflammation, and lowering sensory overwhelm.

  1. Ida Von Ruden

    I’ve been diagnosed with Lyme disease about 5 years. I think I had it long before that. I take many supplements but the ones I depend on the most and are the most successful for me to treat the Lyme disease have been coconut oil, magnesium oil, ashwagandha and just started using turmeric in the last two months to control pain. In the beginning I took supplements like alpha lipoic acid, N-cetyl cysteine and others recommended by my doctor but only continue with the alph lipoic acid on a regular basis. I appreciate your informational site.

    1. Greg Post author

      Those supplements are incredibly helpful. I use liposomal turmeric to reduce systemic inflammation. Ashwagandha is great for healing the nervous system.

  2. Pat Christiansen

    I’m on my 3rd week of using chlorine dioxide (sometimes called MMS), and it’s showing great promise, particularly when I sniff the gas up my nostrils.

    1. Greg Post author

      Some of my other patients have tried MMS on their own initiative. They have reported good results and some have reported negative interactions with other remedies. It sounds like a person needs to know about interactions with other substances when using MMS.

  3. Ida Von Ruden

    I should have also added that I have adopted fermented food-fermented vegetables and kefir and its products in my diet. I believe diet plays a huge role in battling Lyme Disease. Especially leaving sugar alone, which seems to be hard for me, is a giant step toward improved health.

    1. Greg Post author

      Fermented foods are full of enzymes which help your system to breakdown the dead remains of infections. They can also contain probiotics which help maintain healthy digestion. Way to go Ida!


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